
In the world of electricians, engineers and contractors, choosing the right cables is crucial to the success of any project. Whether you’re working on a residential installation, a complex industrial system or an automation network, cables are the key element that ensures the proper functioning and safety of the entire infrastructure.

In any electrical project, be it residential, commercial or industrial electrical installations, electrical wiring is essential for the efficient and safe transmission of power. The correct choice of cables not only ensures efficient operation of equipment, but also helps prevent safety hazards such as short circuits or overloads. In our online shop, you will find a complete range of MYYUP, MYYM, MYF and CYYF cables, each with different specifications and uses, perfect for any type of electrical installation.

MYYUP cable: Flexibility and strength in indoor applications

MYYUP cable is a multi-core electrical cable commonly used in fixed, low-voltage electrical installations, especially for power distribution in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. It is made of insulated copper conductors and sheathed in a PVC (polyvinyl chloride) outer sheath, which provides protection against mechanical shock, moisture and abrasion. MYYUP cable stands out for its flexibility, making it easy to install even in hard-to-access spaces or more complex mounting conditions.

Main features

MYYUP cable is prized for its robust construction and high flexibility and is used in applications where fast and efficient installations are required. The PVC outer jacket provides good resistance to environmental factors and gives protection against mechanical damage. It is suitable for fixed installations in dry or damp environments and can be installed in walls, ceiling, floor or cable ducts.

Common MYYUP cable applications

  1. Residential electrical installations: MYYUP cable is widely used for distributing electricity to sockets, lighting fixtures and other electrical equipment in homes. Being flexible and easy to handle, it is preferred for new installations or renovation of existing electrical installations.

  2. Lighting and power systems: In commercial and industrial buildings, MYYUP cable is used to power lighting fixtures, electrical panels and other equipment that require stable and reliable power distribution.

  3. Construction applications: Due to its durability and resistance to environmental factors, MYYUP cable is often used in construction projects for electrical distribution in common areas, corridors, parking lots and other areas in commercial or industrial buildings.

MYYM cable: High performance for industrial environments

MYYM cable is a multiwire electrical cable, known for its use in power supply and distribution applications in industrial, commercial and residential environments. It is constructed of insulated copper conductors, sheathed in a PVC (polyvinyl chloride) outer jacket that provides protection against mechanical damage and environmental conditions. This cable is recommended for fixed installations where weather, abrasion and chemical resistance is essential.

Main features

MYYM cable is prized for its resistance to harsh environmental conditions and its ability to withstand high electrical loads. It is used for powering large electrical equipment, lighting systems, and power distribution networks. The robust construction of the cable makes it suitable for use in indoor and outdoor spaces, providing effective protection against moisture and mechanical shock.

Common MYYM cable applications

  1. Industrial electrical installations: Thanks to its durability and resistance to mechanical stress and chemical agents, MYYM cable is ideal for installations in factories, workshops or plants. It is used to power high power industrial equipment such as electric motors or generators.

  2. Power Distribution Systems: Within power distribution infrastructures, MYYM cable is used to carry high electrical currents in commercial or residential buildings. It can be installed in walls, underground or in cable ducts, ensuring efficient and safe power distribution.

  3. Outdoor Lighting Installations: MYYM cable is also suitable for street lighting applications, parks, or other outdoor environments where increased resistance to environmental conditions such as rain, snow or extreme temperatures is required.

MYF cable: Maximum flexibility for mobile and fixed installations

MYF cable is a flexible cable, known for the ease with which it can be handled in various types of installations. It is particularly recommended for mobile or temporary applications, but also for fixed installations that require some flexibility in the cabling. Thanks to its multi-directional structure, MYF cable is easy to handle, making it ideal for applications where cables have to be routed through narrow channels or complicated routes.

Another advantage of MYF cable is its versatility. It can be used in lighting installations, automation, control equipment and other electrical applications that require a flexible and easy-to-install cable. MYF is also prized for its resistance to wear and tear, guaranteeing a long service life.

Thanks to its flexibility and strength, MYF cable is perfect for automation and lighting projects. Depending on the chosen cross-section, this cable can carry different current values, ensuring safe and efficient operation of electrical installations.

CYYF cable: the ideal solution for interference protection

Cablul CYYF este un cablu electric ecranat, utilizat în special în aplicațiile care necesită protecție împotriva interferențelor electromagnetice (EMI) și radiofrecvenței (RFI). Este format din conductori de cupru izolați individual, înveliți într-un strat de ecranare care oferă protecție împotriva semnalelor externe care ar putea distorsiona funcționarea echipamentelor conectate. Ecranul poate fi realizat din panglică de aluminiu sau cupru, iar cablul poate fi utilizat în aplicații atât de joasă, cât și de înaltă tensiune.

Cablul CYYF este apreciat pentru protecția sa superioară împotriva interferențelor și pentru capacitatea sa de a asigura o transmisie clară a semnalelor, fără zgomot sau distorsiuni. Este flexibil, rezistent la uzură și are o durată lungă de viață. În general, este folosit în medii industriale, comerciale și chiar în sisteme de automatizare și control.

Aplicații comune ale cablului CYYF
  1. Sisteme de automatizare industrială: Datorită protecției împotriva interferențelor, cablul CYYF este ideal pentru conectarea echipamentelor de control, cum ar fi PLC-uri (programmable logic controllers), senzori sau actuatori. Astfel, se asigură o comunicare stabilă și precisă între echipamente, esențială în mediile industriale.

  2. Sisteme de securitate: În instalațiile de securitate, cum ar fi camerele de supraveghere, detectoarele de incendiu sau sistemele de control al accesului, interferențele pot compromite funcționarea acestor echipamente. Cablul CYYF oferă protecția necesară pentru a preveni distorsiunile semnalului.

  3. Sisteme de telecomunicații: Cablurile CYYF sunt frecvent utilizate în infrastructurile de telecomunicații, unde transmiterea fiabilă a semnalelor de date este esențială pentru operarea rețelelor de voce și date.


Connecting household appliances or other uses subject to light, damp environments.
2 x 0,75
Rated voltage
max 300V
Working temperature
-25 ... +70 °C
Minimum handling temperature
+5 °C
Colac 100m
Electrical Cables

MYYUP Electric cable

Product code: 3710162
Multiwire electrical cable 2x0.75mm, reel.