PRM HFP455021-25L-V4 Front open door PRM HFP455021-25L-V3 front view


PRM HFP455021-25L-V4 is a composite gas box for low pressure gas distribution networks.

This version is an equipped version of the HFP455021. Read the specifications or datasheet for detailed equipping information.

The box can be used to protect the regulator and gas meter from weathering. With a robust construction, developed and manufactured in Romania, the composite gas box has increased protection against mechanical action. Due to the high quality materials, the gas box has a rigid design and high weather tolerance so that the meter, gas regulator and other equipment to be mounted inside will be successfully protected.

Another important aspect is that the box cannot rust over time – so regardless of the weather conditions and humidity it is exposed to, the composite used in the construction will retain its properties for a long time without the need for repainting or additional treatment.

Also, for added safety, added flame retardant and self-extinguishing additives could deter and contain flames in the event of a major hazard, while providing excellent electrical insulating properties and thermal stability.

The service door can be quickly removed by disconnecting two pins – thus considerably increasing working space. We have also taken into account situations where access to the box is limited – in special cases, the door can be re-attached differently on either available side of the box.

In addition to the removable door, the box also has a generous window mounted on the inspection door – so the installer, consumer and energy supplier can quickly inspect the equipment inside the box.

A remarkable benefit is also for the end consumer – they can read the meter without the need for authorized personnel to be present.

The window measures 130 x 76 mm and is fitted with a 2 mm thick panel of tough Plexiglas to block access to water, snow or other elements.

Also to block access, the frieze has a composite lock with galvanised steel wear elements. The key and hub are triangular in shape – common in the industry.

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Homplex HFP455021 Available accessories
Available accessories The HFP455021 gas boxcomes with a range of accessories always available - clips, screws, key and lock, manhole door, anchor panel or window and side wall.
Homplex HFP455021 Appearance preserved over time
Long-lasting appearance Thanks to its material (hot-pressed composite materials), the HFP455021 gas box does not corrode, does not require repainting or other treatments over time and retains its original appearance.
Homplex HFP455021 Increased resilience
Increased resilience The HFP455021 gas box benefits from a solid construction that facilitates high mechanical impact tolerance, excellent electrical insulating properties and thermal stability. Thanks to added flame retardant and self-extinguishing additives, fire could be deterred and contained.
Homplex HFP455021 Increased safety!
Increased safety! The composite panel can be drilled easier and faster, even using a cordless drill. The resulting perforation will be smooth, with no dangerous edges for those operating and handling the Homplex gas box.


Equipping this model
Clamps, valve, 10 or 25mch gas regulator, curved assembly, meter mounting plate 1", elbow, electrically insulating nipple, dutch elbow, 1",
Specific detail
Components may change depending on the project: talk to a Homplex representative for more details.
Fibreglass reinforced anchoring panel, hot molded composite
Lock type
Standard triangle key
Latch material
Composite and steel
Gas box interior dimensions
443 x 182 x 495 mm
Gas box exterior dimensions
450 x 210 x 500 mm
Window dimension
130 x 76 mm
Unequipped gas box weight
3.2 kg
RAL 7044

Frequent questions

Este necesară tratarea firidei Homplex HFP455021 după o perioadă de timp?
Datorită materialelor compozite, firida HPF455021 nu necesită tratarea acesta în timpul perioadei de viață (aceasta poate fi chiar și zece ani).
Am pierdut cheia triunghiulară, cum pot face rost de una nouă?
Poți lua legătura cu un specialist Homplex la numărul de telefon 0374.49.49.49 pentru a achiziționa o nouă cheie compatibilă cu firida HFP455021.
De ce firida Homplex are încuietoarea triunghiulară?
Cheia și butucul firidei HFP455021 au formă triunghiulară, deoarece această tipologie este utilizată frecvent în industrie.
Equipped composite gas meter boxes

Equipped gas box PRM HFP455021-25L-V4

Product code: 3714926DSG3
Curved assembly, mounting plate, 10/25mch regulator
  • Available accessories
  • Long-lasting appearance
  • Increased resilience
  • Increased safety!