PRM HFP606025-10L-V1 gas box circuit view PRM HFP606025-10L-V1 gas box front view


Homplex PRM HFP606025-10L-V2 is a equipped composite gas box for low pressure gas distribution networks.

This version is an equipped version of the HFP606025. Read the specifications or datasheet for detailed equipping information.

The box can be used to protect the regulator and gas meter from weathering. With a robust construction, developed and manufactured in Romania, the composite gas box has increased protection against mechanical action.

Due to the high quality materials, the gas box has a rigid design and high weather tolerance so that the meter, gas regulator and other equipment to be mounted inside will be successfully protected.

Another important aspect is that the box cannot rust over time – so regardless of the weather conditions and humidity it is exposed to, the composite used in the construction will retain its properties for a long time without the need for repainting or additional treatment.

Also, for added safety, added flame retardant and self-extinguishing additives could deter and contain flames in the event of a major hazard, while providing excellent electrical insulating properties and thermal stability.

The service door can be quickly removed by disconnecting two pins – thus considerably increasing working space. We have also taken into account situations where access to the box is limited – in special cases, the door can be re-attached differently on either available side of the box.

In addition to the removable door, the box also has a generous window mounted on the inspection door – so the installer, consumer and energy supplier can quickly inspect the equipment inside the box.

A remarkable benefit is also for the end consumer – they can read the meter without the need for authorized personnel to be present.

The window measures 130 x 76 mm and is fitted with a 2 mm thick panel of tough Plexiglas to block access to water, snow or other elements.

Also to block access, the frieze has a composite lock with galvanised steel wear elements. The key and hub are triangular in shape – common in the industry.

Need help or more information? Contact a Homplex specialist now!




HFP606025 Available accessories
Available accessories TheHFP606025 Gas box comes with a range of accessories always available - clips, screws, key and lock, manhole door, anchor or window panel and side wall.
HFP606025 Appearance preserved over time
Appearance preserved over time Thanks to the material from which it is made (hot-pressed composites), the HFP606025 gas box does not corrode, does not require repainting or other treatments over time and retains its original appearance.
HFP606025-25L-V1 Gas box Increased resilience
Increased resilience The HFP606025 gasbox benefits from a solid construction that facilitates high mechanical shock tolerance, excellent electrical insulating properties and thermal stability. Thanks to the added flame retardant and self-extinguishing additives, fire could be deterred and contained.
HFP606025-25L-V1 Gas box Increased safety!
Increased safety! The composite panel can be punched more easily and quickly, even using a cordless drill. The resulting perforation will be smooth, with no dangerous edges for those operating and handling the Homplex gas box.
HFP606025-25L-V1 Gas box Easy to handle
Easy to handle The unequipped Homplex gas box weighs approx. 4.4 kg and is much lighter than metal ones.
HFP606025-25L-V1 Gas box Quick check
Quick check Read the meter quickly without having to open the Homplex gas box thanks to the generous window.


Equipping this model
Gas valve FI-FI 1", collar, threaded socket 1", extension, 10mch Regulator, elbow 1" M/F, elbow 1" F/F, reduced nipple, G6 meter plate with valve, screws and nuts,
Specific detail
Components may change depending on the project: talk to a Homplex representative for more details.
Fibreglass reinforced anchoring panel, hot molded composite
Lock type
Standard triangle key
Latch material
Composite and steel
Gas box interior dimensions
605 x 215 x 605 mm
Gas box exterior dimensions
612 x 2150x 612 mm
Gas box window dimensions
180 x 76 m
Unequipped gas box weight
RAL 7044
Version HFP606025-HOM3
Equipped gas box for G6 meter with black fittings circuit and 25mch regulator

Associated Files

Frequent questions

Why does the Homplex gas box have a triangular lock?
The key and hub of the HFP606025 are triangular in shape, as this type is frequently used in industry.
I lost the triangular key, how can I get a new one?
You can contact a Homplex specialist on 0374.49.49.49 to purchase a new key compatible with the HFP606025.
Is it necessary to treat Homplex HFP606025 after a period of time?
Thanks to the composite materials, the HPF606025 firida does not need to be treated during its lifetime (this can even be ten years).
Equipped composite gas meter boxes

Equipped gas box PRM HFP606025-10L-V2

Product code: Ask representative
With black fittings gas circuit, 10mch regulator and G6 meter plate with valve
  • Available accessories
  • Appearance preserved over time
  • Increased resilience
  • Increased safety!
  • Easy to handle
  • Quick check
Homplex HFP4550221 Firidele Homplex din compozit
Homplex HFP4550221 Firidele Homplex din compozit

Discover the benefits of Homplex composite fibre!

15 years lifetime with no maintenance costs!

A gas box with long-term benefits

Flame retardant additivated materials

Corrosion resistance

UV protection

Suitable for radio metering


Resistant over time

No maintenance

Easy to install

Reinforced panels

Triangle key

Suitable for remote smart metering!

Composite wires allow a smart meter to communicate by radio without interference, up to 10 times better than a sheet metal wire. That’s why the gas meter box has a reduced number of metal components.

Homplex composite flanges are designed for easy installation

In addition to the generous dimensions on the inside, the inspection door can be easily removed by disconnecting two pins. This considerably increases working space, especially where access is limited. In complex situations, the door can be re-cut differently on either available side of the box.

Check, at a glance

  • The inspection door is fitted with a generous window that allows the meter to be read without having to open the flange.
  • Large size for quick inspection
  • The window is fitted with a strong, transparent Plexiglas panel.
  • If necessary, only the affected components can be replaced instead of the whole flange. See spare parts list.
  • Triangle lock and hub, commonly used in industry.

We have models suitable for every project

Composite gas box

600 x 250 x 600 mm

A generous workspace allowing
the most complex configurations

Homplex HFP4550221 right side
Homplex HFP4550221 right side

Composite gas box

450 x 210 x 500 mm

Maximum optimisation for configurations
robust and fast

Varied configurations, equipment and versatile solutions

Homplex HFP4550221 with type L regulator and entry tap
Homplex HFP4550221 with type L regulator and entry tap

Default factory equipment,

G4, G6, G10 with Pietro Fiorentini gas regulator

Double fitted from factory

G4, G6, G10 with Pietro Fiorentini gas regulator

Varied configurations, equipment and versatile solutions

Homplex HFP4550221 with type L regulator and entry tap
Homplex HFP4550221 with type L regulator and entry tap

Default outfitting

Enhanced efficency – double outfitting

We put people and job safety first

We chose composite materials because they are lightweight compared to steel, given the same dimensions. It’s a clear benefit for field workers who will now lift and position a lighter box compared to heavier metal versions. Any reduction in weight counts and we have to take into account in addition to the weight of the box and the weight of the equipment in the case of those already equipped, the high number of installations and sometimes difficult working positions. Regular lifting of heavy objects can lead to serious bone damage.

Composite panels can also puncture more easily. Machining pipe access holes is much quicker even with a cordless drill directly on site. The result, compared to metal, is a smooth hole with no dangerous sharp and sharp edges that can cause serious injury when handled and temporarily suspend the installer’s work.

You can rely on weather resistance in all kinds of conditions.

The box components are designed with close tolerances, made of high quality, glass-fibre reinforced polymer (anchor panel), UV-stabilised materials and a rigid design. Depending on the pipes, meter type and gas regulator type selected, the box can keep them protected for longer while providing adequate ventilation especially on hot summer days. To this end, we have provided the side panels of the box with hot air vents.

Corrosion resistant

The plastic is immune to corrosion from natural gases and other chemicals, which can extend the life of the flange and protect the equipment inside. Compared to metal-based solutions, this box will never rust providing a longer life and less intervention. The solid, hardened construction offers high tolerance to mechanical shock, and the added flame retardant and self-extinguishing additives could deter and contain flames – if needed – while providing excellent electrical insulating properties and thermal stability.

UV protection included

UV rays have a destructive effect on most materials. To combat premature ageing we have added protective additives to the composition of all building components.

Ongoing support and benefits

Manuals, technical support, a call centre and a professional team ready to help you. You benefit from a complete experience that continues after purchase or installation.

Based on 210 reviews
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Mihai RadulescuMihai Radulescu
09:00 17 Nov 23
Am instalat de curand o retea de detectoare de gaz Homplex in imobilul in care locuiesc (230 buc), impreuna cu finderele... aferente.Instalarea a fost efectuata de o firma autorizata. La scurt timp dupa instalare, unul dintre finderi s-a stricat (din cauza procedurii defectuoase de instalare). Contactand firma care a instalat (si care oferea si garantia finderului) am primit un raspuns naucitor: putem veni in minimum 3 saptamani. Cu o mica speranta am scris un e-mail la departamentul tehnic al producatorului. In max. 10 minute am fost sunat de dl. Ionut Sarbu cu care am avut o discutie prealabila asigurandu-ma ca a doua zi la ora 8 va veni la bloc pentru a inlocui finderul defect. Ceea ce s-a si intamplat, a doua zi avand defectiunea rezolvata.Deci, multumesc mult companiei Homplex, care isi respecta produsele si d-lui Sarbu pentru rapiditatea more
Maria ConstantinescuMaria Constantinescu
07:17 06 Nov 23
Andrei RaschitorAndrei Raschitor
07:03 29 Oct 23
O echipă minunată și cu foarte mult profesionalism ! Și foarte promit ! Mulțumesc frumos !
Bogdan PanainteBogdan Panainte
03:57 27 Oct 23
08:59 26 Oct 23
Adrian AmzuloiuAdrian Amzuloiu
06:27 25 Oct 23
Frumos,design placut si usor de configurat.Echipa de suport foarte prompta si rapida in rezolvarea unor mici probleme in... instalarea aplicatieiread more
13:32 12 Oct 23
Dupa perioada de vară am avut probleme cu termostatul meu Inoklima Evo RF, mai exact nu mai indica grade celsius, indica în... farenhait. Voiam să cumpăr alt termostat dar mai întâi am contactat asistenta, care mi.a oferit numărul de contact al Dl. Mircea Enescu, care m-a îndrumat pentru rezolvarea problemei cu răbdare și mult profesionalism.Recomand Dl. Mircea Enescu 👍read more
Alexandra NegreiAlexandra Negrei
11:37 10 Oct 23
Am achiziționat anul trecut un termostat wireless Homplex NX1 și după perioada de vară am avut ceva probleme atât cu... sincronizarea la.rețeaua wi-fi cat și cu restartul aplicației pe mobil. Am contactat suportul tehnic oferit de Homplex unde am avut plăcerea de a discuta cu Dl. Mircea Enescu care m-a îndrumat pentru rezolvarea problemei cu răbdare și cu mult profesionalism. Recomand din tot sufletul și cu multă încredere produsele Homplex !!!read more
Borcea AlexBorcea Alex
18:49 01 Sep 23
Foarte mulțumit de profesionalismul lor !!
Elena AdamElena Adam
12:37 31 Aug 23
Am avut o problema cu detectorul de gaz iar aceasta a fost rezolvata intr-un termen foarte scurt. Recomand cu incredere!
16:20 30 Aug 23
Homplex NX1Foarte mulțumit.Produs românesc de foarte buna calitate.Mulțumesc echipei Homplex și in special d-lui Enescu... pentru promptitudine și profesionalism.Recomand cu î more
pyter Nitapyter Nita
11:30 29 Aug 23
Am achiziționat de curând un termostat wireless Nx1 de la Homplex,si am avut ceva probleme cu sincronizarea la.reteaua wifi... din locuință. Am contactat suportul tehnic oferit de Homplex unde am avut placerea de a discuta cu dl Mircea Enescu ,care ma indrumat pentru rezolvarea problemei . Recomand cu încredere produsele Homplex !read more
r mr m
10:56 07 Aug 23
Am / am avut o problema in perioada de garantie ,cu un termostat HOMPLEX NX1_la care in mod aleatoriu se pierdea legatura... dintre Receptor si aplicatie si revenea la normal, tot aleatoriu ,dupa cateva ore sau zile.Inainte de a-l expedia la SERVICE , am luat legatura cu coordonatorul tehnic dl.Mircea Enescu.Dansul , cu mult tact , pricepere si folosind o exprimare usor de inteles de catre orice utilizator , mi-a sugerat sa incerc cateva manevre care ar putea sa mi rezolve problema.Am tinut cont de sfatul primit si astazi se implinesc trei saptamani de cand nu s-a mai manifestat anomalia.Anterior, disfunctia se manifesta camla 2-4 zile.Am stabilit cu dl. Enescu , ca fiind o manifestare ATIPICĂ, sa tin in continuare sub observatie aparatulsi la nevoie , daca anomalia se va manifesta din nou ,sa revin telefonic pentru a stabili modul de expediere in service a aparatului.Remusread more
Vasile PopaVasile Popa
05:15 03 Aug 23
O experienta plăcută trăită de mine cu aceasta firma pt promptitudinea cu care m-au ajutat sa revitalizez avertizorul care... nu a mai funcționat după ce am zugrăvit. Indicații precise pt demontarea avertizorului și trimiterea lui la verificat, returnarea în cel mai scurt timp și îndrumările necesare montării și repunerii în funcțiune. Recomand achiziționarea avertizorului Homplex pt siguranță locuinței si mentenanță ireproșabilă.read more