The HD100 PRO RF wireless methane gas detector is a state-of-the-art device designed and built in Romania. The HD100 PRO RF will communicate with an Homplex HD200 RF gas finder. This wireless methane gas detector will send an alert to the network Finder (centraliser), triggering the solenoid valve on the main gas column of the building (or block staircase).
The wireless gas detector has been designed to eliminate the inconvenience of drilling through walls, a necessary action for the cable route to the solenoid valve. It allows immediate installation and plug-and-play activation via the mounting plate socket powering. The radio frequency detector together with the Homplex HD200 RF Finder allows very fast and efficient connection of a large number of apartments. The alarm signal is transmitted via radio waves over a distance of 50 to 300 m. Thanks to the carefully calibrated sensor, the risk of false alarms is reduced.
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Frequent questions
Why is the yellow LED always on?
I smell gas, but the detector doesn't react
How can I tell if the detector is working properly?
NEW! Wired methane gas detector – Homplex HD100 PRO RF
- Powerful alarm
- Easier to secure cables
- Splash resistant
- Clear marking
- Quick activation
- Wireless communication
- Solid mounting plate
- Build complex networks
- Efficient gas sensor
- Easy testing
- Powerful light signals