In 2021, Homplex introduced to the market the new HFP606025 polymer and composite gas meter box made entirely in Romania. This is our response to customer requests for a gas box that offers safety, long-term protection and reliability.
Thanks to high quality materials, the flange has a rigid design and high weather tolerance, so that the meter, gas regulator and other equipment to be mounted inside will be successfully protected.
Another important aspect is the impossibility of the fibre to rust over time – thus, regardless of the weather conditions and humidity to which it is exposed, the composite polymer used in the construction of the fibre will retain its properties for a long time, without the need to repaint or treat it further.
Also, for added safety, added flame retardant and self-extinguishing additives could deter and contain flames in the event of a major hazard, while providing excellent electrical insulating properties and thermal stability.

In the process of designing the frieze we took into account new regulations at European level as well as current trends – in this context, we can recall 2009, when the European Parliament approved the third EU energy package which aims, among many other things, to implement smart meters in the electricity and gas market.
So we built the HFP606025 that enables interference-free radio communication using fewer mechanical components.
As part of the same internal process, we also took into account the requirements of Romanian installers, designing a spacious flange (inside – 605 x 215 x 605 mm) that allows easy installation and maintenance of equipment protected by the flange.
The inspection door can be quickly removed by disconnecting two pins – this greatly increases working space. We have also taken into account situations where access to the iris is limited – in special cases, the door can be re-hung differently on either available side of the box.
In addition to the removable door, the box also has a generous window mounted on the inspection door – so the installer, consumer and energy supplier can quickly inspect the equipment inside.
A remarkable benefit is also for the end consumer – they can read the meter without the need for authorised personnel to be present.
The window measures 180 x 76 mm and is fitted with a 3 mm thick panel of durable Plexiglas that blocks water, snow and other elements.
Also for blocking access, the box has a composite lock with galvanised steel wear elements. The key and hub are triangular in shape – common in the industry.

The key and hub are triangular in shape – common in the industry.
Polymer panels offer simplification of the punching process – it can be done with a cordless drill directly on site. Finally, the details of the work will be different – in the case of a metal flange, the perforation may have sharp edges that can lead to accidents, the severity of which can result in the suspension of the employee (installer).
In the case of the HFP606025, the perforated spot will be smooth, avoiding any injury factor. This, in addition to the above, ensures ease of handling and work safety.

The Firida Homplex – model HFP606025 has been included in numerous projects to date, successfully meeting the needs of our customers.
At their request, we provided spare parts for the fittings (window, lock, key, clips, screws and pins for fastening) and offered to deliver the fittings equipped with pipe route, regulator, meter, taps and other pre-installed accessories.

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