Blog Homplex
Instalare pe contor AMR2407 Automated Meter Reader (AMR)

Digitizing utility infrastructure: Homplex tests first smart metering system


Advantages of a double trigger detector

From a gas detector to smart home at the most complex level. Bogdan Panainte, Homplex: The next ten years will be great for business

Why Homplex is in the top methane gas detectors in 2023 – 6 unbeatable arguments

What is the correct answer to the question “How to choose a methane gas detector”?

Beneficiile unui detector de gaz metan wireless, ce necesita montaj inclusiv pe scara blocului

The benefits of a wireless methane gas detector, which requires installation even on the staircase of the block

Bogdan Panainte Homplex SA

The story of the entrepreneur who in college wanted to work in a bank, but by chance ended up selling gas detectors

ZF 15 minute cu un antreprenor. Bogdan Panainte, CEO şi cofondator Homplex: Cochetăm constant cu ideea de a intra pe alte pieţe, ne uităm în special la Ungaria şi Polonia

ZF: 15 minutes with a entrepreneur. Bogdan Panainte.

Homplex HD100 PRO RF barbat gateste cu detector in cadru

How do you take care of your methane gas detector? 8 useful tips.

Smart Business. The story of a “Yes”.