The methane gas detector is an electrical appliance that helps to increase safety in premises where methane gas-fired appliances (including domestic gas consumers) are used, especially in residential environments. It is designed to detect methane gas leaks in the room and alert people to their presence by visual and acoustic signals.
In addition, the operating principle of the gas detector may include communication with the solenoid valve. Thus, the gas detector sends an electrical impulse to the mounted solenoid valve to stop the gas supply in time.
In order for it to work properly, you need to consider where the gas detector is mounted. The Homplex detector should be installed in high places (around 30 cm from the ceiling) because methane gas is lighter than air.
We recommend avoiding mounting the equipment in places where it can come into direct contact with water vapour, oil droplets or smoke, as can happen near the cooker.

Also, the gas detector should not be mounted in an enclosed space (in a cupboard, or behind a curtain), above the sink or in a space with high humidity, near a door, window or fan, or in an area where the temperature may reach -10°C or above +40°C.
It is important to know when the gas sensor is triggered – in general, the gas detector is triggered when it detects methane gas build-up in the room from leaks, depending on the sensitivity of the sensor.
Homplex methane gas detectors have an alarm level of 10% L.E.L. (Lower Explosion Limit). In the case of methane gas, the lower explosion limit and the upper explosion limit are two relevant criteria to be taken into account when seeking to prevent an explosion.
Explained, the two limits can be reduced to two situations:
- If there is less gas and more air in a room, ignition of the mixture may not take place.
- If the percentage of methane gas in a room is higher than that of air, the chances of the mixture igniting and causing an explosion are much higher.

There may be situations where people in the room can smell gas before the methane gas detector goes off. This does not indicate a technical fault and not using a methane gas detector in the home is not a solution. The sense of smell of people in the home may be impaired and the smell of gas may go unnoticed due to age or illness, which is why the permanent use of a methane gas detector is recommended.
Another situation in which the gas detector may trigger an alarm is the presence of alcohol vapours, acetone, perfume, pest control substances (such as bug spray), steam or smoke. Make sure you don’t spray different substances directly towards the detector.
To prevent a false alarm from being triggered, it is advisable to take into account the recommendations for mounting the gas sensor and also to test it periodically using the “Test” button. Also clean the gas detector twice a year. You can vacuum the gas detector, but you’ll need to use its soft brush, or you can choose to remove dust and dirt using a damp cloth or paper towels.
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